Products Products and re regi giste stere red d log logos os re refer ferre red d to in this doc docum umen entt ar are e trademar trade marks ks of their their re respe spective ctive owne owners rs and these trade trademar marks ks are her hereby eby ackn acknowle owledge dged. It may ma y not be di distr stribu ibuted ted to thir third d pa parti rties es, re repr produ oduce ced d or cir circu cula lated ted in the pub publi licc dom domai ain, n, or ed edite ited d or am amen ende ded d in any way, way, unl unles esss ex expr pres essl slyy ag agre reed ed to by Deswik. This doc docum umen entt is onl onlyy to be use used d by the Cl Clie ient nt under under the ter terms ms outl outlin ined ed he here rein in. 2 DOCUMENT DETAILS Copyright Copyrigh Copyri ghtt over this doc docum umen entt an and d an anyy ac accom compa panyi nying ng mo mode dels ls or da data ta is re rese serve rved d by Deswik Deswik Min Mining ing Co Consu nsultan ltants ts (Austr (Au stral alia ia)) Pty Ltd ("De ("Desw swik" ik"). Desw De swik ik wi will ll no nott be he held ld li liab able le for an anyy lo loss ss or da dama mage ge ca caus use ed by su such ch us use e or re reli lian ance ce. Disclaimer This doc This docum umen entt may may not not be us used ed or re relie lied d upo upon n for an anyy other other re reas ason on tha than n the in inten tende ded d pur purpos pose e outl outlin ined ed he here rein.
Th The e Cl Clie ient nt should should tre treat at this doc docum umen entt an and d an anyy ac accom compa panyi nying ng doc docum umen ents, ts, mod model elss or data as con confide fidentia ntiall at all all tim times es. Confidentiality This doc This docum umen entt is sub subje ject ct to Des Deswi wik’s k’s Sta Standa ndard rd Te Term rmss and Con Conditi ditions ons whi which ch de detai taill the con confide fidentia ntiali lity ty obl oblig igati ations ons of both Des Deswi wik k an and d the Cl Clie ient. Both input and analysis results are handled through a streamlined combination of form-based, 2D graphics, and 3D graphics windows.2016.1 Deswik.Suite RELEASE NOTES DOCUMENT DETAILS Copyright Copyrigh Copyri ghtt over this doc docum umen entt an and d an anyy ac accom compa panyi nying ng mo mode dels ls or da data ta is re rese serve rved d by Deswik Deswik Min Mining ing Co Consu nsultan ltants ts (Austr (Au stral alia ia)) Pty Ltd ("De ("Desw swik" ik"). As is a necessity for design-oriented applications, FB-MultiPier automatically generates finite element models given a parametric, geometric definition of the structure and foundation system. This allows the engineer to work directly with the design parameters and lessens the bookkeeping necessary to create and interpret a model.

FB-MultiPier performs the generation of the finite element model internally given the geometric definition of the structure and foundation system as input graphically by the designer.

This analysis program couples nonlinear structural finite element analysis with nonlinear static soil models for axial, lateral and torsional soil behavior to provide a robust system of analysis for coupled bridge pier structures and foundation systems. This structure is supported on a pile cap and piles/shafts with nonlinear soil. Each pier structure is composed of pier columns and a cap.
The full structure can be subject to a full array of AASHTO load types in a static analysis or time varying load functions in a dynamic analysis. FB-MultiPier is a nonlinear finite element analysis program capable of analyzing multiple bridge pier structures interconnected by bridge spans.